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Algonquin Highlands

News and Notices

  • NOTICE: Application for Minor Variance AH-MV-006/24

    Take Notice: An Application for a Minor Variance from the provisions of Comprehensive Zoning ByLaw 2022-49 has been submitted to the Township of Algonquin Highlands Committee of Adjustment, 
    the approval authority in these matters. The Application has been reviewed and has been found to be 

  • NOTICE: Application for Minor Variance AH-MV-007/24

    Take Notice: An Application for a Minor Variance from the provisions of Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2022-49 has been submitted to the Township of Algonquin Highlands Committee of Adjustment, 
    the approval authority in these matters. The Application has been reviewed and has been found to be 

  • Take the Algonquin Highlands Fireworks Survey

    At the recommendation of the Environment and Stewardship Committee, the Council for the Township of Algonquin Highlands is considering further restrictions to the lighting and sale of fireworks within the Township, including the possibility of a complete ban. The Township is seeking input from residents to assist with the decision-making process around this issue.

  • Dorset Scenic Lookout Tower opens this weekend

    One of Algonquin Highlands' most popular attractions, the Dorset Scenic Lookout Tower will open for the 2024 season this weekend, beginning Friday, May 17. 

  • Seeking public input on Russell Landing rehabilitation project

    The Township of Algonquin Highlands will be working this year on a construction project to rehabilitate the existing retaining wall at Russell Landing on Kawagama Lake, located at 1518 Russell Landing Road. Work is tentatively planned for September, pending contract and design finalization.

  • Register for Gentle and Restorative Yoga in Stanhope

    Gentle & Restorative Yoga with Donna - a style of yoga designed to soothe, relax, restore, and rejuvenate the body. Accessible to most everyone, this yoga offers a welcoming atmosphere of ease where simple poses and movements are slow, and often fully supported by bolsters, blocks, and blankets - ever so gently stretching the body and calming the nervous system.

  • Community Yard Sale cancelled in Oxtongue Lake

    Please note the Community Yard Sale that had been scheduled for this Saturday, May 11 at the Oxtongue Lake Community Centre has been cancelled due a lack of registration. 

  • Provincial Day for Action on Litter: May 14

    Tuesday, May 14 marks the the Provincial Day of Action on Litter in Ontario. 

Contact Us

Township of Algonquin Highlands
1123 North Shore Road
Algonquin Highlands, ON
K0M 1S0
Fax: 705-489-3491

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