While dealing with animal welfare complaints does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Township of Algonquin Highlands, if you are concerned about the well-being of an animal within the municipality, please contact Ontario Animal Welfare Services or call 1-833-9-ANIMAL.
Animal Services and Control
We care about our pets in Algonquin Highlands so we hope you'll join us in keeping them safe. Dog owners in the Township of Algonquin Highlands are required to obtain a dog license for each of their dogs, and may wish to review the Township's Dog Control By-Law.
I Want to Purchase a Dog Licence
Dog Licence Fees
Male Dog/Spayed Female $10 per dog
Non-Spayed Female $20 per dog
One-time licence for a dog that is microchipped $20 per dog
When you purchase a dog license you will be given a dog tag that must be attached to your dog’s collar. Licenses must be purchased by April 30th and expire on December 31st of each year.
Other Information
Any concerns or complaints regarding dogs barking consistently or running at large should be made to the Building & By-law Enforcement Department.
Dog attacks or biting incidents should be reported to Building & By-law Enforcement Department and the Ontario Provincial Police. In an emergency situation call 9-1-1.
Coyotes can be found throughout the County of Haliburton, including within the Township of Algonquin Highlands. While coyotes are generally wary of people and will often try to avoid them, the Township does lie within their habitat, and interactions with coyotes are possible.
The following documents from the Province of Ontario detail the nature of coyotes, how to go about coyote-proofing your property, as well as protecting your pets.
To report a nuisance bear around your property, contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) Bear Wise hotline at 1-866-514-BEAR(2327), TTY 705-945-7641. In an immediate emergency call 9-1-1.
Learn more about Handling Conflicts with Wildlife.
Yellow means caution and if you spot a dog wearing a yellow ribbon, it means to give that dog space, and that it may bite.
The Township of Algonquin Highlands supports the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit in promoting the Yellow Ribbon Campaign, helping to educate dog owners, dog lovers and members of the public. Yellow ribbons, bandanas, window stickers and dog baggie holders are available free of charge at the Algonquin Highlands Administrative Office while quantities last.
Help spread the word that yellow means caution. Give that dog space!
Contact Information
Kristen Glass
By-Law Enforcement Officer
Phone: 705.489.2379, Ext. 339
Robert Mascia
By-Law Enforcement Officer
Phone: 705.489.2379, Ext. 331
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