Algonquin Highlands
Tax Sales
The following chart displays the tax sale results from September 28, 2022.
If you were the highest tenderer, you will receive notice and a package from the Township that will need to be actioned within 14 days.
If you were an unsuccessful tenderer, your deposit will be returned to you within 5 business days via registered mail.
Thank you for your participation.
Property |
Highest Tender Awarded |
Roll No. 46 21 001 000 24800 0000; Kushog Lake Road; PIN 39123-0245 (LT); PT LT 2 CON 2 STANHOPE AS IN H226264; S/T DEBTS IN H226264; ALGONQUIN HIGHLANDS; File No. 20-02 |
$36,800.00 |
Roll No. 46 21 002 000 31700 0000; Providence Drive; PIN 39129-0146 (LT); PT LT 27 CON 4 STANHOPE PT 15 RD143, T/W H64759, S/T RIGHT IN H49561, S/T INTEREST IN H64759; ALGONQUIN HIGHLANDS; File No. 20-07 |
$56,100.00 |
If property taxes remain unpaid for a period of three years, the Municipal Act provides for the municipality to register a "Tax Arrears Certificate."
The tax arrears certificate indicates the property will be sold if the “Cancellation Price” is not paid within one year of registration of the certificate. Partial payments are not accepted. Upon the conclusion of the one year redemption period, the municipality may advertise the property for sale. Advertisements are published in a local newspaper once a week for four weeks and in the Ontario Gazette for one week.
Upon acceptance of a tender bid, the winning bidder has fourteen days to complete the transaction. All properties are sold without warranty and “as is”. The Treasurer is not bound to inquire into or form any opinion of the value of the land before conducting a sale and is not under any duty to obtain the highest or best price for the land. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession, if occupied. NOTE: Maps included with property information are for illustration purposes only. They are not intended to provide legal or business advice.
Contact Us
Township of Algonquin Highlands
1123 North Shore Road
Algonquin Highlands, ON
K0M 1S0
Fax: 705-489-3491
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