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By-Law Enforcement

The Building & By-Law Department is responsible for the enforcement of by-laws passed by Council for the Township of Algonquin Highlands. 

Issues that are typically dealt with include:

  • Accumulation of debris on private property
  • Illegal dumping
  • Mandatory recycling
  • Animal licensing & control
  • Noise 
  • Fireworks
  • Zoning By-law violations (e.g. trailers on vacant lands, building without a permit)
  • Docking and mooring at public docks

By-Law Complaints

By-law complaints can be submitted in one of two ways:    

  1. Online Complaint Form or
  2. Via paper copyTo fill out a paper copy, please visit the Algonquin Highlands Administrative Office at 1123 North Shore Road. 

Complaints will be accepted only if the following information is provided:

  • Complainant name, address and telephone number.
  • Location (address) of the occurrence.
  • Description of complaint, including the date, time and details of the occurrence. 

The Township will respond to your complaint as soon as possible. If the situation is an emergency, please call 9-1-1. 

Contact Information

Greg Moore
Chief Building Official/By-Law Enforcement Officer
Phone: 705.489.2379, Ext. 330

Jeff Lewis
Deputy Chief Building Official/By-Law Enforcement Officer
Phone: 705.489.2379, Ext. 326

Kristen Glass
By-Law Enforcement Officer
Phone: 705.489.2379, Ext. 339

Robert Mascia
By-Law Enforcement Officer
Phone: 705.489.2379, Ext. 331

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